Doomscrolling (Third Sunday in Lent)
Sermons on YouTube… Doomscrolling. It’s been a thing for a long time now. Doomscrolling is where you read one horrible story about a tragedy, a political outrage or a vile […]
Gathering (Second Sunday in Lent)
Sermons on YouTube… Probably many of you have heard the old joke about the guy in the flood. The waters are rising around his house, when down the flooded street […]
Practicing Thankfulness (First Sunday in Lent)
Sermons on YouTube… The season of Lent has always been intended to prepare us for the great celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter. So in a sense, it’s always supposed […]
A Transforming Experience (Transfiguration of Our Lord)
Sermons on YouTube… In a couple of weeks, it will be five years since we had to shut down for Covid. At first, it seemed like it would just be […]