Not Winning the Game (Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
Sermons on YouTube… Once a long time ago, I was playing a board game with some friends. It was a somewhat confusing game, with lots of pieces and lots of […]
Posting of sermons
Sermons on YouTube… Once a long time ago, I was playing a board game with some friends. It was a somewhat confusing game, with lots of pieces and lots of […]
Sermons on YouTube… Tomorrow, Prince of Peace members will gather with members of lots of other faith communities – Christian, Jewish, Muslim and others – for what has now become […]
Sermons on YouTube… Last week, I pointed out that Matthew had used a word which appeared nowhere else in the Gospel. And today, he did it again! Actually, it’s a […]
Sermons on YouTube… Over the past few weeks, Phoenix and I have been going to Doggie Class each Saturday. Phoenix has been doing great, and I’ve doing OK. And actually, […]