How Are You a Neighbor? (Fifth Sunday after Pentecost)
Sermons on YouTube… Almost from the very beginning, Christians have referred to the parable in today’s Gospel reading as the parable of the “Good Samaritan.” This is in spite of […]
Posting of sermons
Sermons on YouTube… Almost from the very beginning, Christians have referred to the parable in today’s Gospel reading as the parable of the “Good Samaritan.” This is in spite of […]
Sermons on YouTube… Every year, as the 4th of July approaches, many of us remember a few of the key people in the story of the founding of our country. […]
Sermons on YouTube… Since the advent of cell phones, we’ve all become accustomed to being warned about the dangers of distracted driving. And since cell phones have made the problem […]
Sermons on YouTube… This week, summer officially arrives. School is out, and lots of us are getting ready for vacation! And in today’s Gospel reading, it appears that Jesus was […]