Endurance (Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost)
Sermons on YouTube… Jesus was clearly not a politician. Today’s Gospel reading, coming as it always does in mid-November around our election season, makes that abundantly clear. Jesus and his […]
Sermons on YouTube… Jesus was clearly not a politician. Today’s Gospel reading, coming as it always does in mid-November around our election season, makes that abundantly clear. Jesus and his […]
Sermons on YouTube… Our first reading today begins with the words, “Daniel had a dream and visions of his head as he lay in bed.” And Daniel’s vision was weird! […]
Sermons on YouTube… As many of you may know, my undergraduate degree is in Computer Science. That was a long time ago. The world wide web didn’t even exist back […]
Sermons on YouTube… There is a famous prayer that I’ve seen re-printed in many places, and which often gets posted on the internet. Maybe you’ve seen it, too. It goes […]