Advent at Prince of Peace


Advent is the church season before Christmas. In a world full of sorrow, we turn our hearts toward hope. This year, our Advent worship will be in person, as well as streamed live on our Facebook page! Join us each Wednesday evening in Advent (Dec 4, 11 & 18)  at 7:15 pm for Holden Evening Prayer, a 15 minute hopeful, gentle service of song and prayer.

Care and Serve

Giving Tree –  Our Giving Tree is Up! Make a child’s Christmas joyful! Each year, PoP members can select a child’s name from the Giving Tree and purchase a special Christmas gift for them. This year we are working with Brown Station Elementary School to provide a happy Christmas for selected students and their siblings. The tree is virtual again this year. Click here for the Sign-up Genius link. Gifts should be wrapped and include a removable tag (not taped on) with family number and letter (ex.: 1A, 2B). Please bring your gift to POP no later than Sunday, December 15th.

Participate online in the Gifts of Hope program – These gifts support the mission and programs of area Lutheran social ministry organizations, camps, college or seminary, and our Synod’s companion synods abroad. Your Gifts of Hope purchases will bring hope to others while you honor those on your gift list.

Other Devotions and More about Advent